What is Fransyr

Fransýr’s envy starts from the observation that despite a favorable geographical situation and a real enthusiasm for good things, the culture of quality cheese is absent from the Czech Republic.
Out of love for the country and its inhabitants, Fransýr intends to seek the best cheeses from France and other European countries and to share his experience and know-how, to make you live a typically French art of living.
As cheese is a living product that requires know-how for its ripening (serve it at the right time) and from all the varieties present, knowledge to know how and with what to taste it, with our experience and know-how, we will be at even advise you for your pleasure.
For your meals, your receptions with friends or your events, always with the desire to ensure you a superior quality, you will find with us the cheeses you need for immediate tasting and up to a week after purchase.
Today, many customers, individuals, professionals (French Embassy, ​​Alcron restaurant) and specialized stores trust us for the quality of their cheese.

Non classé

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Brie de Meaux

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Malostranské trhy

Château de la Jaubertie


farmářský Charakteristika: Chuť: Degustace:


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Ústřice, foie gras, sváteční sýry a šampaňské.

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article instinct

Degustace červených vín a párování se sýry

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extra Charakteristika: Chuť: Degustace: